Blending data and measuring impact

Our measurement tools collect and blend data from multiple sources to give accurate insights and impact, enabling you to test and learn with confidence. 

Google marketing platform

Google Cloud, Adobe Analytics and Google Big Query

Although we use many great third-party platforms to measure and report performance, sometimes you need something different. That's why we created two powerful tools of our own.

Our proprietary tools, Digital Edge and Digital Impact, enable us to blend and label data from various sources, measure tactical performance and report on ROI accurately. Together, they help us monitor and report on our clients' digital landscape.

Blending multiple data sources

We harvest information from multiple sources to enable you to bring your data together in one place, including:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, BrightPearl etc.)
  • LinkedIn
  • Email clients
  • Google AdWords

Testing and measuring changes

We will tell you what digital marketing tactics are having the biggest impact, for example:

  • Adding and removing content from a page
  • Changing page titles, meta descriptions, heading tags, image naming and image optimisation
  • Adding schema
  • Making site speed improvements
  • Measuring the effect of off-line activity
  • User engagement enhancements

Digital Edge: Data blending platform

Digital Edge is a powerful data-crunching beast that collects and combines data from a growing list of data sources such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console and Google AdWords along with data from popular CRM platforms.

Powered by Google BigQuery and Google Cloud, the technology provides marketers with a powerful platform to unify, simplify and enhance data to monitor core KPIs, quickly spot opportunities and answer key business questions. 

What is data blending?

Data blending is a method that brings multiple data sources together. Data blending introduces secondary data sources to the primary data source to present different data views. The blending technique allows analysts to discover information that is not available in a single data view.  

How do I know if I need a data collection and blending tool like Digital Edge?

If any of the following challenges seem familiar to you, then Digital Edge will be able to help you drive greater insights for your organisation as a result of the ability to blend data from different sources.

You are spending hours in Excel every month, pasting numbers and creating different reports

You have data siloed in different platforms and can't access key data easily

You want to unify data from multiple sources quickly and efficiently to create a central view of performance

You need to quickly spot performance trends and monitor your core KPIs by building bespoke dynamic dashboards to meet your business needs

You need a system with no data limitations where you have access to millions of rows of data allowing you greater confidence that you're seeing the true picture

You need to harvest data and integrate with the tools you're already using and have an end-to-end solution

Using the power of Google Cloud, Digital Edge brings together crucial performance data to help you get a comprehensive picture of how your digital marketing is performing


Headshot of Fresh Egg Senior Web Analyst, Sam Dunkley

If you are struggling with bringing different data sources together to discover key insights, then Digital Edge is the right platform for you to combine and blend your data sources. The technology enables marketers to understand what is happening across multiple data touchpoints as a result of being able to bring data together as a collective and create insightful data views.

Sam Dunkley, Senior Web Analyst

Do you need help collecting data and driving actionable insights?

Measure the impact of digital marketing tactics with Digital Impact

Measuring the true impact of digital marketing changes can be hard. Our award-winning Digital Impact tool allows us to deliver accurate reporting on the impact of marketing tactics – both off-site activity, such as brand building activity, and on-site changes, such as technical SEO improvements.

How does Digital Impact work?

Digital Impact works by analysing a response (the activity you're measuring) and control series of data points, such as clicks or conversions, then constructing a Bayesian structural time-series model which is used to predict what would have happened if the activity hadn't taken place. 

For example, if you want to know whether your site migration is a success, Digital Impact can compare post-migration performance with forecast performance based on pre-migration data to give you an accurate picture of its impact.

What is the technology behind the Digital Impact tool?

At the heart of Digital Impact is the open-source package CausalImpact, developed by Google for estimating causal effects in time-series data. It seamlessly integrates with the Google Analytics and Google Search Console APIs, as well as manual data uploads, to create a range of measurement opportunities.

How can Digital Impact help me show the value of on-site changes?

If any of the following challenges are familiar, then Digital Impact will help you highlight the effect of changes, be it positive, neutral or negative. It even tells you how confident it is that the change resulted in the impact using a statistical significance model.

You need to test how page title changes will affect visibility and traffic in a segment of the website before a full-site deployment

You need to test and measure the effect of a partial or full site migration

You'd like to know the impact of adding/removing content from a page

You want to test whether an internal link campaign has increased traffic/visibility

Whether page speed optimisation work is having a positive effect on key KPIs

How other channel activity positively/negatively affects organic performance

Headshot of Fresh Egg's SEO Director, Mark Chalcraft

Digital Impact allows us to clearly report on what on-site and off-site tactical activity allowing for rapid sprint-based testing to take place to determine ROI and build a business case for full site implementation.

Mark Chalcraft, Head of SEO and Content


Talk to us about optimising your data collection and data measurement

Tell us your needs and we'll be in touch