Fresh Egg Partners with Wanderlands for a Climate-Positive Future

Culture | 2 MIN READ

We're proud to announce our new partnership with Wanderlands as we embark on our journey to net zero. Learn about the steps we’re taking to combat climate change.

Fresh Egg and Wanderlands Unite for a Sustainable Future

We are excited to announce a significant step in our commitment to environmental sustainability as Fresh Egg joins forces with sustainability experts Wanderlands. This partnership marks the start of our carbon management journey and longer-term ambitions for net zero emissions and crafting a climate-positive legacy.

Fresh Egg and Wanderlands sustainability partnership

Sarah Tunstall, CCO

As a business, we're excited to get this journey underway and look forward to working with Wanderlands as we drive forward towards becoming a sustainable business in the future. 

Sarah Tunstall, CCO

Embarking on Our Sustainability Journey

Our collaboration with Wanderlands is driven by a shared commitment to the environment and sustainable practices. As an agency, we are deeply passionate about making changes to positively impact our planet and ensure a healthier Earth for future generations.

Establishing Our Environmental Baseline

Firstly, we need a clear starting point. To get the process underway, we are conducting a thorough carbon audit to enable us to understand our current emission impacts, identify and analyse emission hotspots, and pave the way for effective improvement. With detailed data in hand, we will equip ourselves to move forward confidently.

Developing Our Decarbonisation Roadmap

Once armed with the insights from our audit, we will develop decarbonisation pathways and our climate roadmap. The final plan will help us systematically reduce emissions and integrate sustainable practices across all business operations.

Investing in Nature

As part of our strategy, we will look to supplement carbon reduction efforts across our business with investment in nature-based solutions to address our residual (unavoidable) emissions.

Commitment to Transparency and Progress

As we advance in our efforts, we are committed to managing, measuring, and reporting our progress transparently. We are enthusiastic about keeping our community updated as we implement our climate action plan and take positive steps toward achieving Net Zero emissions.

Working with Wanderlands, we aim for minimal impact and strive to leave a positive imprint on the planet while ensuring that our business thrives responsibly and sustainably. We'll update you further as we progress in our mission to harmonise our operations with the well-being of our planet and towards a better future for everyone.