Brighton Digital Festival - The End of Digital with Tom Cheesewright

By Adam Stafford|25 Sept 2018
On October the 4th Worthing Digital brings you ‘The End of Digital’, as part of the Brighton Digital Festival (and all of us at Fresh Egg can't wait!).
Worthing Digital will be welcoming Tom Cheesewright, one of the most respected consultants and commentators on tomorrow’s world. Tom is a frequent presence on TV and radio, explaining today’s world of high-frequency change and the technology that drives it. As an Applied Futurist, Tom helps people and organisations around the world to see what’s next and to build a coherent response.
"Technology is anything invented after you were born," said the computer scientist, Alan Kay. By this measure, much of our digital world will just be 'stuff' for the coming generations, blending into the background, as innocuous as a wheel or a table. But as digital technology disappears from view it is changing our world, our work, and the very nature of what it means to be human. How will we live and work in a future where the lines between physical and digital have been erased? Where we exist as much outside our biology as inside it? Get a glimpse of what might be in this talk from Applied Futurist, Tom Cheesewright.
Tom Cheesewright will be delivering his talk, The End of Digital, on October 4th.
Tom Cheesewright is one of the most respected consultants and commentators on tomorrow’s world. As an Applied Futurist, Tom helps people and organisations around the world to see what’s next and to build a coherent response.
Tom is a frequent presence on TV and radio, explaining today’s world of high frequency change and the technology that drives it. He has appeared thousands of times over the last decade across the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Sky News as well as in many print and online publications including The Guardian, The Times, and The Evening Standard.
Tom consults with clients looking for greater foresight into the near future, and teaches and licences a range of tools for building more agile organisations. He is a frequent speaker on the future across a range of industries. Customers include global corporations such as BASF. BP, KPMG, LG, Nikon, and Unilever, as well as universities, charities and public bodies.
You can sign up to this talk via the Meetup page -
You can also watch / listen to one of Tom’s insightful talks on TEDx Talks - ‘We are all bionic now’ -