Umbraco 8 is retiring – should you upgrade or rebuild?

After a successful run, it's time to bid farewell to Umbraco 8. As part of Umbraco's ongoing commitment to innovation and security, they are phasing out this version of their CMS platform. If your business is currently using Umbraco 8, it's crucial to understand the end-of-life timeline and prepare to upgrade to an up-to-date version. Before making the decision, perhaps it is time to take a step back and assess the options in front of you.  

Understanding why Umbraco 8 is Retiring

Umbraco 8 has served many businesses well since its release, but all good things must end. The final minor version, Umbraco 8.18, was released in February 2022. Full version support finished in February 2024, and now it will only receive security updates until February 2025. Then, Umbraco 8 will reach its end-of-life (EOL), ceasing all updates and support.

Rich Green

If your business runs on Umbraco 8 it’s time to prepare for its end of life. It’s been five years since Umbraco 8 was launched, the web landscape has changed a lot in that time. Some businesses will have continually updated their site since launch, whereas others may need a refresh. This is a perfect time to evaluate your options and leverage the most from all the new Umbraco features that have been released since V8. There are various ways to approach an Umbraco upgrade, it’s important to decide the best approach as early in the project as possible.

Rich Green, Web Development Consultant 

What the EOL Means for Umbraco 8 Users

The term "end-of-life" in software indicates that a version will no longer receive updates or support from the development team. In this instance, it includes security patches, which are crucial for protecting your site against new threats. Continuing to use Umbraco 8 after its retirement is a risk that could expose a website to unaddressed security vulnerabilities and outdated features, which can degrade both functionality and user experience.

What version of Umbraco should we upgrade to?

The good news is Umbraco shares which versions of Umbraco will have Long-Term Support (LTS), and share it here:

It can be slightly tricky to understand that the LTS version isn't always the latest Umbraco version. At this stage, it's important to understand the advantages of each Umbraco version, and often, the benefits will depend on how you're using Umbraco and any future plans.

We have a deep understanding of Umbraco and are happy to offer a free 60-minute session to talk through your implementation and advise on the next steps.

Before anything, take a step back and consider the upgrade plan

For many, upgrading your web platform to an updated Umbraco version will seem like the obvious path, but this is where we advise clients to put the handbrake on, take a step back and consider what your business needs from your web platform. For example, what is on your dev roadmap? What does your release plan look like? Will an upgrade impede the development of new features, bug fixes, etc.?

The upgrade pathway is not necessarily straightforward. Our advice is to talk to us about what you need to achieve. We’re offering initial consultations where we can take on what your business is looking to achieve and align that with an appropriate forward pathway.

Resources and Support Available

Umbraco offers extensive resources to help you with the upgrade process. These resources include detailed documentation, community forums, and professional support from certified Umbraco partners like us. We are here to ensure your transition goes as smoothly as possible. Of course, as Umbraco Platinum partners, we can help you with the transition and all facets of the upgrade, from assisting with expert project management to facilitating the entire transition.

Remember, Umbraco 8 support will cease in February 2025

Upgrading to an updated version of Umbraco is not just a necessity; it's an opportunity. Fresh releases offer improved performance, enhanced security features, and new functionalities to improve your web architecture. Additionally, staying current ensures you receive ongoing support and updates, which keeps your site secure and at the cutting edge while critically maintaining user security.


  • What happens if my business continues using Umbraco 8 after EOL? While you can technically continue using it, we strongly advise against it due to the security and functionality risks.
  • Which version of Umbraco should we upgrade to? Before deciding, we recommend talking through your aims and ambitions for your business and your current development roadmap.


Book a free 60-minute consultation with the team

When should you start the upgrade transition?

Ideally, you would have commenced preparing your upgrade plan and have a roadmap. Planning an upgrade to a current version of Umbraco is about more than staying updated. It's about taking full advantage of the best the platform has to offer and providing your site users with the best possible experience. If you are unsure where to begin, we're here to help. Book a free consultation with our team. We can help answer questions you may have about the upgrade path.