Content audits that drive results

Our content audits provide explicit recommendations on what content to improve, create, and remove in order to engage with your key audiences.

Help me audit my content

Do you want to know how your content is performing and whether it’s meeting the needs of your audiences?

Across the past 20 years, we’ve audited sites for a long list of clients from a wide range of verticals, helping to shine a light on what’s working and what isn’t. 

What is a content audit?

An audience-led content audit is a temperature check for current content. It identifies the content that’s working for users and highlights areas for improvement, including where there are clear content gaps and the identification of the content that can be removed.

What is a content audit?

An audience-led content audit is a temperature check for current content. It identifies the content that’s working for users and highlights areas for improvement, including where there are clear content gaps and the identification of the content that can be removed.

What is a content strategy

An audience-led content strategy is a roadmap for all future content creation based on an agnostic assessment of how you can meet user needs through content. It provides recommendations for content based on users’ needs and the potential impact.

Talk to us about your content challenges

We size the content audit to fit your needs

Knowing what you want to get from an audit will help you understand the type of audit you need.

How do I know if I need a full content audit?

There are three main types of audit and choosing the right one is crucial to getting the right outcome. We can help guide you about which one’s best for you, based on your goals and scope.

1. Full

An extensive quantitative and qualitative audit of all the content on your site.

A full audit is a substantial work undertaking, requiring significant time and resources.

Best for: Planning a full website refresh or redesign

2. Focused

A thorough quantitative and qualitative audit of a specific section of your site or user journey. For example, key landing pages such as the blog, product categories, or campaign funnel pages.

Best for: Improving specific, targeted content

3. Sampled

An audit of a specific quantity of pages that serves as an indicative sample for wider content recommendations. The audit focuses only on pages that reflect common page templates.

Best for: Informing changes to specific content and templates

Talk to us about a content audit

Content audits to deliver performance

Content auditing is an essential task to keep your site healthy and performing, ensuring users and search engines are served with content that resonates and ranks.

We use an audience-led approach to content auditing to ensure that our recommendations are grounded in the needs of the people who use your site.

Our audits give you a comprehensive overview of your content, how it’s performing, and why, to help you understand what to keep, improve, or remove. Typical reasons for a content audit include

You're building a new website and need to understand where your content is and isn't working

Your blog or content hub is under-performing and you want to understand why

Your website isn't ranking well and you're losing ground on your competitors

You want to understand a specific user journey and why users aren't converting, e.g. from your email content

You're new to your role and you need to get a full understanding of your website content

You're launching a campaign, and you want to ensure that all of your content provides a consistently high-quality, on-brand experience for users

Our digital expert, Callum says

Headshot of Fresh Egg's content and social media manager

A content audit starts with your audience. It's essential to understand their needs and how they search before auditing content. Using these insights, we can tell you what content is working for your audience and what isn't. That helps us make informed recommendations about what content you should keep, remove, or improve.

Having a good understanding of your current content puts you in a great place to look at what content you need; it can be valuable as part of an iterative content cycle or serve as a great base for future content strategy.

Callum Grantham, Content Director

What does a content audit include?

Our audits examine the content performance of your website using the following steps.

Research > Audit > Fixes

The combination of the three steps allows us to understand what your audience needs from your content, audit your content against that, then work with you to prioritise fixes to meet your content objectives - from amending existing content, to removing and redirecting content. Beyond the audit, we can help you implement fixes and integrate auditing into your content cycle.

We can also build on the work to develop your audit into an audience-led content strategy

1. Getting to know your audience

We start with a workshop where we draw on your knowledge of your customers to identify your audience segments and to complete empathy maps for those groups.

2. Assess content performance

By analysing your site’s analytics data, we can get a clear picture of whether content is currently performing well for key metrics, such as organic traffic, conversions, time on page, and more. As well as content that isn’t performing and make recommendations on content that should be removed or improved. The quantitative stage can also inform focus areas for qualitative analysis.

3. We assess content quality

We audit site content against audience needs, focusing on qualitative and technical factors that impact users’ experience.

Our audits help you understand whether your content:

4. A card sorting workshop to deliver a prioritised action list

We present the findings from the audit in a PDF document, with an accompanying spreadsheet containing the full audit. We use a ‘ Now, Next, Later’ approach to prioritisation, which will help to inform your future content roadmap.

Each action has an associated impact to provide context on what the action will achieve.

5. Our process stages

  • Audience identification and empathy mapping, or persona analysis
  • Quantitative analysis - What do the numbers say about your content?
  • Qualitative analysis - what kind of experience is your content providing?
  • Document write-up
  • Action prioritisation and delivery workshop

6. Ongoing support

The work does not end at the audit. We can help you implement recommendations with flexible ongoing support that lets you lean on us as much as you need. Ways we support our clients post-audit include:

  • Creating a full audience-focused content strategy to guide your future content creation and promotion
  • Create content in coordination with internal teams, expediting content production
  • Provide content briefs for your internal teams to create new pages that meet identified user intents
  • Work with your developers to implement priority recommendations
  • Review data within Google Analytics and Google Search Console
  • Analytics on an ongoing basis to spot trends, weaknesses, and opportunities
  • Review new changes to ensure they don’t jeopardise user experience or organic performance
  • Forecast the impact of specific actions, giving you a benchmark to measure against

Content audit for Bacardi

"As the world’s largest, privately-owned and acquisitive spirit company, a key challenge for us in the search space is to deliver a consistent and connected brand experience for our consumers. Fresh Egg provided us with incredibly detailed audits, strategies and actionable plans for implementation which have led to a marked improvement in visibility and, more importantly, consistency of content, message and brand. They have also coordinated and managed technically complex cross-agency activity and improved SEO knowledge across our agency network and within our internal teams. The team at Fresh Egg are always highly professional, organised and have continually delivered above and beyond what was asked of them.

Chris Windebank, digital director, global marketing at Bacardi

Optional content audit bolt-ons

1. Competitor analysis

Analysing your competitors’ content quality and performance can play a vital role in understanding and contextualising your own content.

  • Quantitative: Working with you, we will identify key competitors and provide insights into their content performance
  • Qualitative: We’ll provide analysis of where competitors are providing a better content experience to inform recommendations for new content

2. Key page user testing

Supporting qualitative observations with user testing during the audit.

  • User testing enhances the qualitative aspect of the audit by validating issues we’ve identified
  • Conducting user testing on key pages gives you direct insights from your target audiences
  • You can find out exactly how they interact with your website and where they experience problems
  • By carefully selecting participants that fit with your audience profiles, we ensure that the results are relevant and useful

3. Technical SEO audit

Our highly skilled SEO team can assess your site health at the same time as your content.

Combining a content audit with a technical SEO audit will give you a comprehensive picture of current performance and key fixes. Getting the fundamentals right removes blockers that inhibits how well your content performs in search engines and, in extreme cases, could prevent it from appearing entirely.

A technical SEO audit gives you:

  • A comprehensive overview of technical site health
  • Fixes focused on issues affecting business and commercial performance
  • Clear guidance about priority fixes and integrating them in your development roadmap


Talk to us about your content challenges

Tell us your needs and we'll be in touch