Are you ready to transition your
A/B testing from Google Optimize?
Learn about the options and opportunities when Google Optimize sunsets in September.

Watch this helpful 50-minute session featuring experts from Fresh Egg and Webtrends Optimize on what marketers need to do to migrate to a new conversion platform before Google Optimize sunsets in September.
What's covered in the video
- A recap on the facts around Google Optimize sunsetting
- When will it happen?
- What happens to live tests, your data etc.?
- Migration best practice
- Dealing with concurrent tags, test roadmap management, wrapping-up tests, migrating active experiences etc.
- Opportunities around migration
- Replanning your roadmap around more advanced capabilities
- Greater efficiencies for marketers
- Options for marketers looking for a free CRO tool
- Do free tools exist?
- What is available in the CRO tools market?
Who is this webinar for?
Anyone running conversion testing with Google Optimize and needing to migrate to another platform and seamlessly continue performance testing before the tool disappears.
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