Recruitment Services

Your path to the best people

Trust us to deliver the best digital talent for your business needs

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Why Fresh Egg?

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, finding the right talent can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. How do you outmanoeuvre your competition and connect with the best candidates? More importantly, how can you be confident in your choice when you're not an expert in the intricacies of digital marketing yourself? You might not know your CRO from your SEO or the difference between paid and organic strategies, but don't worry—that's precisely why we're here.

Our recruitment services

We help businesses with their recruitment challenges in the following ways

Short-term contractors

Get your project moving fast with our network of top talent.

Permanent team members

Interview candidates screened by our own digital marketing specialists. 

Recruitment process support

Get help scoping roles and interviewing and scoring candidates. 

We know how to find great digital talent

Let us help you with your recruitment challenges

We're not just digital marketing experts; we're also your recruitment partner. We know the digital landscape better than anyone else—after all, we navigate it every day. Whether you want to expand your permanent team or need a skilled contractor for a specific project, our recruitment team leverages their in-depth knowledge to find you the perfect match.

With us, you're not just filling a position but investing in your company's future. Let us take the guesswork out of your recruitment process. Trust us to connect you with top-tier digital marketing talent and watch your business thrive.

Learn more, contact us

See how we've helped our clients

In our experience...

Headshot of Emma Couling

When I make first contact with an experienced digital marketing specialist, they might not be actively looking for a new role. But they are more likely to respond to me than to a traditional recruiter. And that’s because I’m a fellow digital marketing person. The conversation usually flows quite naturally from there. Before you know it, we’re discussing their career aspirations, and I’m bringing up the various roles I know they’ll be a good fit for. The opportunity for the client develops authentically.

Emma Couling, Head of Recruitment Services 


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