Choosing the Right CMS – Headless vs Traditional, License vs Open Source

Our clever in-house developers explain the pros and cons of choosing the right CMS for your business that supports your ambitions and needs.

Watch Head of Technical Development Rich Green and Front End Development Director Matt Smith provide essential insight on choosing the right CMS.

Key takeaways from the session:

  1. Understanding the CMS Landscape – Gain clarity on the different types of CMS platforms and their use cases.
  2. Choosing the Right Fit – Learn which CMS model aligns with your business goals, whether scalability, flexibility, or ease of use.
  3. Cost Considerations – Discover the hidden costs of CMS implementation, including licensing, development, and ongoing maintenance.
  4. Sustainability - We explain how your business can significantly reduce its carbon footprint with new technology 
  5. Performance and SEO Insights – Understand how different CMS choices impact site speed, SEO, and overall user experience.
  6. Security and Compliance – Learn about the security risks and compliance considerations for licensed and open-source CMS solutions.
  7. Future-Proofing Your Business – Get insights on ensuring your CMS remains adaptable to future technological changes.
  8. Integration and Customisation – Find out how well different CMS platforms integrate with your existing tools and workflows.
  9. Making an Informed Decision – Leave with a clear framework for evaluating and selecting the best CMS for your organisation.

Who should watch this session?

  • Business owners, heads of marketing, product owners and CTOs

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