Training: Getting more from your GA4 Reporting

Unlock the Secrets of GA4 Reporting: Master Navigation, Customisation & Looker Integration.

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In this session, we will focus on helping marketers by stepping through a series of familiar Google Analytics 'user stories'. We will look at a selection of questions marketers would typically turn to GA4 for answers and step through the process of answering these questions individually.

This practical session will help attendees get to grips with getting answers from the data.

For example:

  • I want to know how our most recent email campaign performed
  • Which are my best-performing pieces of content?
  • I want to see the impact of a website migration on organic search traffic and conversions.
  • How can I group content by type to better understand which topics our visitors are most interested in?
  • Channel conversion performance, with and without Google's data-driven attribution.

You can ask Julian questions, and he will answer them live.

At the end of the session, you'll have the skills to use GA4 more effectively.

Session conducted by Julian Erbsloeh, Head of Analytics

Duration: Two hours

Who should attend this session?

This session is ideal for anyone trying to understand data in Google Analytics, including newbies and seasoned semi-pros. There will be something useful for everyone.


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